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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Here this is a great BIG FUCK YOU! A FUCK ME and a fuck everything. Fuck Bipolar, fuck me, fuck me... judge mother fuckers and let you be judged three times over. I hate all you mother fuckers who think you are better than others. So fucking superior! Fuck you ass holes who think you can look down on others after they have been fucked in ass. Yep, all you religious mother fuckers who use Jesus as your reason for making excuses, well fuck you and your religious antics too! Fuck you all. I mean fuck everyone at this point. Fuck you for joining my blog and fuck you to ALL those who don't take the time to understand those they say they are close to. If I were to die I bet there would be some ass holes that were to sit there and say how close they were to me and how they always talked to me. Don't think that will be the same for you? Well fuck you! there are always cheap shot mother fuckers who say they were there but they didn't know shit! I have been to many funerals and heard of many people who act like they were so close to the dead body and freed soul! Everyone has a time and you know what I discovered? "It's not death we humans fear, it's living through life in pain that scares us the most!"
Fuck you!!!!!

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